Bells, paper, scissors

Event Date

Aug 10, 2018

YHC rolls in on SVU time (w/o cones)

Disclaimer given and we begin at 5:32.

Warmup: windmill x15 IC, cotton pickers x15 IC, arm circles fwd/retro, hug yourself; soldiers 20 yds, butt kicks back;carioka x20yds and back

Lungewalk w Bell R hand OH to curb, 10 merkins w hand on bell each arm. Lunge walk w KB in L hand OH to sign. Curb hops x20 OYO

Mosey to field. Q realizes he forgot the cards up at the AO so he runs back while others run to under bar and back.

7 stations (marked w index card) in a large circle. We play ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS. Loser takes heaviest bell to station of winners choice. Ties are not a win and thus both do 5 burpees w. the bell. Once done your station come back to center for more. 7 stations: 5 hill runs, 5 burpees, 20 curls, 15 squat press, 20 skull crushers, dippy birds 5 ea leg, KB swings x20. We play rounds for about 20min. Then ensure everyone has completed all stations at least once. 

Circle up for Mary:single arm press to 1/2 turkish get up x15 ea side OYO, flutter kicks w bell OH x20 IC, plank on bell Peter Parkers x20 IC, prone Phelps /swimmers x20 IC, low to high plank x5 ea arm, hip circuit (jane fonda, clams, reverse clam, circles 10 ea direction) x20 ea leg, plank hip dips x15 IC

Reflection: Isaiah 41:10 Don't be afraid, for I am w you. Don't be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up w my victorious right hand.

Psalms 37:8 Stop being angry! Turn from your rage! Do not lose your temper, it only leads to harm,

Ephesians 4:31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage, ANGER, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behavior.

My family is in a current struggle w/ my youngest daughter (10yo) dealing with anger, severe anxiety and panic attacks. God never promised there would not be hard times, just that he would always be with us, no matter the peaks or the valleys. We pray for patience, kindness in word and deed, and healing for those hurting. We pray for comfort those with recent trajedies and healing in those with injuries. Mostly we pray to feel HIS presence in times of valleys and doubt. We give Him praise and glory for his forgiveness and Grace. 


Confusion on what Q thought would be easy to follow rock, paper, scissors. Starts slow then finally gets going. 

Brothers being too nice upon winning (where do you want to go). 

Zippy does ~60 burpees (or so he says). I feel like I did the same as I seemed to tie alot. 

Not much chatter, except some enjoyed the view of zippy's goods during hip circuit due to the shorts. 

Thanks for voluntelling me to Q last night. It was a pleasure. I hope you had some fun and got a good workout. Missed those brothers that couldn't be with us. 
