Bells swinging, music singing… Not!

7x Pax Showed for a Bell Swinging Good time at The Cauldron


Cauldron Q is always a good time.  You can run as little, or as much, as you want.  Well actually, maybe not as much as you want, since it's hard to swing a bell while you are running. 


Warm A Rama


Mosey around the parking lot, back to the bells.

At this point, my trusty (NOT!) Bluetooth speaker has shut down.  Not dissuaded (it's a word), I started it back up on reduced volume, thinking I could milk it thru the workout.  An exercise in futility, one could say. 


Forward Fold, Cherry Pickers, Windmills, Toy Soldiers, Arm Circles and tricep stretches. 


At this point, Little Finger decides to grace us with his presence, complete with Skooter.  Not stroller, as YHC called it.  That's for kids. 


Just in time for:  The Thang

All IC x10 except where noted


At this time, the speaker had died again.  Not giving up in the face of adversity, I crank the iPhone to max volume and keep going.  Must have background musak!  


Low Curls


Goblet Squats

High Curls

Push Ups with 1x hand on the bell

Full Curls

Overhead Press

Reverse Lunge – like a one-legged squat with extra weight = sux 

Skull Crusher

Around the World

Figure 8

Suitcase Lift

Lawn Mower

On your Six for

Chest Press

Overhead Skull Krusher to Vertical thing that I don't' have a name for.  Anyone?


Lap around the parking lot and back for… Repeato.  Did not see that coming, did ya? 




While on our six, we transition right into Mary with:

Mason Twist with the Bell

WW2 situps with the Bell (Ultraman Demos Perfect Form)

Assisted Situps with the Bell (Hook your feet around it)

Low Flutters, finally without the bell, but I think it will work if you hold it in a chest press.

Touch them heels.  Not sure how to work the bell into that one. 

Back on our feet for a quick forward fold, flat back, reverse swan dive to…


Recover Recover




No matter how many times I called The Whip his doppelganger's name of Aroma, he just wouldn't answer.  Funny, The Whip looks a lot like Aroma.  They will both need to show at a workout to pick out some key differences.  


Good seeing Blackbeard out today.  He's been out on IR for a while, but ready to get back into the swing of things.  With swinging kettlebells.  See what I did there?


  Mighty Jungle tomorrow with The Force followed by Q source at Waterbean.  Show to know!


Thanks to Ultraman for the chance to lead.  Always an honor. 


Top Gun sends,






