Bells Will Be Swinging

Event Date

Dec 24, 2019


5 men posted a Christmas Eve blender with guest "DownRange" Q, Cornwallis. Here is how it went. 

Q: Cornwallis
Pax: Two Buck Chuck, Jedi, Ramrod, Tuffy 


The Motivator from 7 (because it's Hanukkah) 

The Thang: 
Mosey to patio for 24 dips (single count) 
Dips x 12 IC (because TBC wanted to do them in cadence) 
24 Manmaker Burpees 
Mosey back to the KB's
Curls x 24
KB Swings x 24 
Thrusters x 24
Skull Crushers x 24 
Lawn Mower Row x 24 each arm 
Pull Ups x 24 

Partner up and grab a KB
Partner 1 does overhead lunge walks w/KB 
Partner 2 does 4 Burpees 
Continue until 24 burpees have been completed cumulatively 

Zamperini to the field for KB tosses

Q called an audible for the sake of the field, you're welcome GCC! 

Went to the Road and Q wanted a gift from each Pax. 
TBC- 5 snatches each arm 
Ramrod- 6 Turkish Get-ups each side
Jedi- "mosey" around the parking lot 
Tuffy- Chest Press x 12 

Mosey to Breezeway for Mary 

Mason Twist with KB x 12 IC 
Flutter Kicks with KB up x 24 IC 

Recover Recover 

-Introduced Pax to the Motivator. They felt like synchronated dancers and looked like it too, but not as pretty. 
-There wasn't a lot of motivation to work hard, including from YHC, but we tried to push ourselves. 
-Lots of complaining about 24, yes 24 man maker burpees. 
-YHC asked if LKN was getting soft. The response was a resounding "YES". I was immediately asked where I posted yesterday, to which I responded, 'No where", so yes I am getting soft too. 
-YHC could not count cadence this morning, but mainly because YHC was just happy to be home and with friends, so YHC just wanted to talk and not focus on calling a good cadence. "Just swing the bells, does it really matter what you do?" 
-It was an honor to be back and getting to lead on my home turf. Thanks for the support this morning. It made my day. 
-Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah!