Bellz du jour

Event Date

Jun 25, 2021



FNG 1 is Mr. Belding; FNG 2 is Export



15 Windmills in cadence

15 Toy Soldiers in cadence

15 Side Straddle Hops in cadence



Zamperini to Pull-Up Bars

10 Pull-ups

15 Thrust Squats

20 Merkins 

(Repeato x 3)


Mosey to the Gym Front

15 Lawnmower Pulls

15 Dippy Birds

15 Pull-over to WWI

(added Single Arm Press for rounds 2 & 3)

15 Trifectas

15 Upright Rows

(Repeato x 3)

Mosey to the launchpad



15 Freddie Mercury in cadence

15 Low Flutters in cadence

15 Pretzel Crunches each side

15 Low Belly Crunches 



71 years ago today the North Korean People’s Army crossed the 38th parallel into South Korea. Within a month the U.S. would be fully embroiled in the conflict. Wedged between the afterglow of WWII and the shadow cast by the Vietnam War, the Korean War is commonly considered forgotten. But nearly 7 million Americans served during the three years of the Korean War, and less than 500,000 are still alive. Today let us be mindful of those who served our nation in this brutal conflict, thank those still who are fortunately still with us, and take time to memorialize the ones who never made it home.