Berean Where Are You? Come out of Hiding?

Event Date

Aug 22, 2022



YHC, Dingo and Knockout are in front of Starbucks ready for the Berean to start however no one else shows, we decided to mosey on over to total wine as Dingo spotted some cars parked over there. Well sure enough a few cars but no pax to be found. We begin our tour of Birkdale hitting up the usual haunts that Dingo and Knockout say that the Berean guys visit. Well no luck but we did get 2 miles of running in and pain stations along the way. At 6am we were in front of Starbucks and still no pax, we decided lets do one more lap around the building to see if anyone showed. 

Sure enough in the parking lot were a half dozen men completing COT and they called themselves the Berean guys and much to their pleasure let us know that this workout starts at 5:15am and that they went off campus to Rubbermaid for the session which is why we couldn't find them. 

Well this one is on me, Dingo, Knockout to check the website before showing up to an AO, don't just assume F3 starts at 5:30am at a coffee shop.