Bereanblast: Filing our 1040 EZ’s

14 hard-chargers sallied out in perfect gloom conditions on tax day – or as YHC prefers to think of it “Fund My Pension Day.”  There were at least two safety shirts on scene.   Thug was in a do-rag, and Hippie was in a tie-dye head piece.  Bel-Air was showing off his guns.  Talking Heads was Kottering and Tumbleweed was a’tumbling.  It was quite a spectacle. 

After a proper disclaiming period, we took off down the hill to assemble at the big Apple where Airstream tried to organize an early-morning “smash n grab”, but the pax were reluctant to go on the forbidden side of the bollards, so the smash n grab idea fizzled.  

We rounded up a couple late-comers, and from there we ambled onward toward Dick’s, and then kept going with various stops for warm-o-rama until the group of merry men finally crossed the bridge to commence with the commencing.  

Up and back we promenaded.  We lifted heavy items. We huffed and we puffed.  We stretched, strained, groaned and creaked.  Most importantly we impressed the dumpster man who gave us a friendly dumpster man wave.

We made our way back to the launch where we reviewed our 1040 EZ, corrected some mistakes, signed it, stamped it and put it in the box.  Along the way Tumbleweed invented the Frankenlunge… or was it the Lunge-n–stein?  Either way we did something weird. 

My pension(s) thank you for your input.

After that, we said some prayers and expedited to coffeeteria where we failed at Monday Morning Quarterbacking (despite Airstream’s valiant effort).  Blackbae wore his NCSU hat.   Caesar supported Mars Hill.  Shake’s in town this week.  Soprano has a new company that can create a Garage-mahal for you.  Big Mo had some exciting news.  Dingo was chillin like a villain.  Kid Rock reported that he’s in town for a spell, and he wore his Puma Homes hat.  MMM and Arnie’s pax showed up to join the fray.

Good way to start the week men.  Get after it this week!

Gnarl E. Goat sends.    
