Best 9-Lives Q EVER (The Tale of a Fallout No-Show)

Event Date

May 12, 2020


FNG1 = Zare, FNG2 = M.O.D.

7 pax rose from the warm, cozy fartsack in great anticipation of not only the first "official" return of Fallout, but because an OG had preblasted last night that he would have the Q.  Yes, he himself.  The Man.  None other than 9-Lives!  He mocked those talking of posting at Gladiator, and put it out there that Hasslehoff had already submitted his HC.  The Force followed that with an HC-3 for himself, Zare and MOD.  Snake Eyes then "liked" The Force's tweat and we knew it was ON!  When Toxic and Freedom both appeared in the gloom – it was an old-school party 'bout to get started.  Here's how that party threw down…

9-Lives had a fire alarm.  No, not an actual fire as a fireman – his alarm didn't fire.  So he fartsacked til 8:45AM.  Pax took turns with the Q.

The kittyless moleskine:

Add 9-Lives to the list of those who have "Kumquated".

Despite numerous opportunities to bash 9-Lives in his absence, the pax never really went there.  First, b/c we were taking turns beating one another down.  Second, b/c it was a constant effort mid-workout to figure out what the Hell Toxic was trying to get us to do (none of his exercises have names) and third… well, b/c we just like 9er too much.  Even M.O.D., the War Baby of the day said, "I saw his tweet last night and thought he was going to Q.  But that's ok – he got us all here, didn't he?"  Well said, M.O.D.

Hasslehoff continues to educate the youth of our community virtually.  T-Clap, much respect.

Toxic was quite toxic today.  Not the first nor the last that will be typed into a BB.  He also did not write a manifesto while hiding in the mountains the past two months, but did admit to attempting to reach out to Rudolph (not the reindeer). 

Freedom wanted no part of The Force taking the Q on his own, so after just one warmup lap called by The Force, Freedom hijacked the warm-o-rama.  Snake Eyes jumped in as soon as we got warmed up, then after a painful lap around the track and some blockwork, he handed it off and so the pax Q was officially on.

MOD and Zare both called a few exercises.  We're still waiting for a Quad-Hate Q by those two young bucks.

Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  See you in the gloom.