FNG-1 = 2.0 Hooper
I selected what seem to be the most miserable exercises (for some) for this one, so decided to title the workout best of the best. Best of the best is also the title of an awesome 1980s Martial Arts movie starring James Earl Jones and Julia Roberts' brother, but anyway:
15 IC Mtn Climbers
15 IC Windmills
15 IC Tony Hawks
15 IC Plank Jacks
15 IC Mtn Climbers
15 IC Windmills
15 IC Tony Hawks
15 IC Plank Jacks
The Rampage:
Bear Crawl up the parking lot, then 5 Merkins
Crawl Bear down the parking lot, then 5 Merkins
Bear Crawl up the parking lot, then 5 Merkins
Crawl Bear down the parking lot, then 5 Merkins
Crab Walk:
Crab walk up the parking lot, mosey back
Walk crab up the parking lot, mosey back
Crab walk up the parking lot, mosey back
Walk crab up the parking lot, mosey back
Bear Crawl Ring of Fire:
Begin by bear crawling around in circle until first pax says stop. Upon stopping, first pax planks while other pax complete 10 merkins each, then next pax in line, etc..
Begin by bear crawling around in circle until first pax says stop. Upon stopping, first pax planks while other pax complete 10 merkins each, then next pax in line, etc..
Burpee Deconstructed:
15 Squats
15 Merkins
15 Plank jumps to squat position
15 Jump Squats
15 Squats
15 Merkins
15 Plank jumps to squat position
15 Jump Squats
Pain Stations:
1 pax run with a cinder block to the top of LBH (righ from AO), executes Colt 45 (described below) and runs back with their cinder block to the playground, as the counter. Step ups is also a counter.
1 pax run with a cinder block to the top of LBH (righ from AO), executes Colt 45 (described below) and runs back with their cinder block to the playground, as the counter. Step ups is also a counter.
Colt 45 Cinder Block Curls:
15 reps go from the bottom of the movement up to the halfway point (with your arms at a 90 degree angle and hands at elbow level).
15 reps go from the halfway point up to the top of the bicep curl (hands up near shoulder level).
15 reps start at the bottom of the movement and complete a full range of movement all the way up.
15 reps go from the bottom of the movement up to the halfway point (with your arms at a 90 degree angle and hands at elbow level).
15 reps go from the halfway point up to the top of the bicep curl (hands up near shoulder level).
15 reps start at the bottom of the movement and complete a full range of movement all the way up.
– Step ups,
– Dips,
– Australian pull-ups,
– Zig-Zag Jumps
– Skull Crushers,
– Calf raise,
– Hanging Toe Touch
– Pull ups
– Dips,
– Australian pull-ups,
– Zig-Zag Jumps
– Skull Crushers,
– Calf raise,
– Hanging Toe Touch
– Pull ups
1 minute: WWI Sit Ups
1 minute: WWI Sit Ups
Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Good times were had,