Better Check That Ego, Son

Event Date

Jun 02, 2017


6 ego-maniacs descended on the gloom in Birkdale this morning, looking for some iron sharpening.  Pax split evenly, with 3 heading out for a 45 min “jog” through the area, while 3 stayed behind for a grinder.  Here is how it went:


SSH x 30 IC
IST x 15 IC
Cotton Pickers x 15 IC

Mountain Climbers x 15 IC
Overhead Clap x 25 IC – meant to do more, but Q had a premature inflection.  I’m sorry, that’s never happened before….


Mosey to fountain in front of movie theater:

Burpee + Box Jump x 10 OYO, run to the traffic circle and back.  Repeato x 5.

Since we were in front of a movie theater, a short intermission seemed appropriate:

Slow, DEEP squat x 10 IC

Low Flutter x 50 IC

Q offered a challenge to the Pax: if they could perform the next 10 Burpees together, partner carry to the traffic circle and back, faster than the Q, the grinder would end and we would move on.  If they failed, the amount remaining would double.  The Pax did not take the bait.  Too bad, I would have ended the grinder anyways for having the huevos to try….

Repeato Burpee + Box Jump grinder x 5.

Mosey to darkened side of movie theater

Balls to the wall for ~1 min

Mosey to start point for Mary

W x 20 IC

Windshield Wiper x 10 (IC?) (Led by Red October)

Homer to Marge, Cornwallis style, we didn’t even keep track how many

Elbow Plank x 1 min


The Bear is tomorrow, 6/3.  FNG Week is next week.


Prayers up especially for Jedi’s daughter, Gabby, having tonsillectomy this morning, and Slaughter, in hospital with dual pulmonary embolisms.


Extreme Ownership Chapter 4 – Check Your Ego.  Dynamic conversation ensued.  Do you encounter your ego often?  Do you encounter it more at home or at work?  What challenges do you run into, and how does your ego play into/affect the situations you face?  How can we go about being more aware of our ego, and handling these situations differently as a result?


  • I warned Red October before the workout this morning that I was well rested, pent up, and slightly pissed off, so expect a grinder.  He still showed up, after working out 4 straight days beforehand and putting in a lot of miles.  And he’s going to do the Bear tomorrow.  Bravo.  Hope I didn’t disappoint.
  • Always a pleasure to work out with Cornwallis.  He could barely contain his enthusiasm after I gave instructions for the burpees.  Seriously, the most even-keeled guy I know.
  • Good takeaways from our discussion this morning about ego.  Made me critically think about recent conversations and situations in my life where ego has played a part.  Could I have handled things differently?  Why was it getting in the way so much at that moment?  Was the other person’s ego also getting in the way, and how can I go about addressing that?  Remembering to check your ego can be the critical factor between accomplishing a goal and failing the objective.  It’s not about you.
  • The workout this morning, combined with the solid discussion that followed, was exactly what I was needing.  It’s been a tough week, filled with emotional turmoil, and I felt drained.  This is another testament to the effectiveness of our brotherhood.  Realizing that those around you are going through much of the same challenges as you are, and coaching each other through them, is more valuable than gold in my eyes.  I felt like a breeze had come into a stale room, and I’m now looking forward to re-addressing some issues from a different perspective.  Hopefully this will be the key to successful resolutions.
  • Thank you for all that attended, and thanks to Jedi and Burnsy for the opportunity to lead.  See you all again in the gloom.

