Better late than never

From the name you probably expect that this is a tardy backblast, but you would be wrong. At 0528 YHC woke and had a 5 second internal battle of whether to Kumquat the Q at Ludicrous Speed or start the speed work immediately. As most in F3 would do, the red pill was swallowed and the M was barely heard complaining about flying sheets and slamming doors. Master Q BEP was informed immediately of the situation and luckily he agreed to lead the pax on a half-mile warmup on the RBP track while the Q went Plaid to get to the AO in record time. Speed limits may have been ignored slightly, which is completely unacceptable and not condoned by this author. After arrival and suiting up in the parking lot in seconds, the pax were located on the track where the proper Q informed them, to much dismay and persistent grumbling, that we would head up the parking lot to start our journey. Less than a mile into their morning workout the pax were next informed that today was going to consist of the best BRR training available at this AO – the noco (LKN/Isotope) westside bonesaw.  FYI, no one is training for BRR – oh well. After putting down the near mutiny we were off. If you’re not familiar with the bonesaw you can check the Strava elevation for any of the pax and see what it consists of – basically up and down in a pattern that appears similar to a bone saw – I believe we can thank the gnarliest of Goats for that name. The pax put in 3 full segments with some extra burpees for those feeling/looking strong and finishing early (not naming names but some are strong runners but don’t believe in burpees as essential for speed work and instead watched the rest of us perform those wonderfully painful exercises), and the Q put in 3 extra – one for each minute late. We also did some low flutters, some Homer-to-Marge, an extra loop around the center neighborhood island (well except for 9 Lives who just stared at everyone else running), and we topped it off by carrying some cinder blocks 30 feet to that same refusenik’s truck. No time for Mary left as we were at 46 minutes which is a new record.  YW!

Nearly 10 years into this crazy thing that Kumquat and Zuul talked YHC into over beers at a Christmas party and still love (almost) every minute.  Thanks for the opportunity to lead and hope everyone is a little better off for attending.