Better Late Than Never BB for PAINinsula

15 men gathered in the gloom for some runnin' and some pain.  This is the story

Mosey to gazebo side of AO for Warm-o-rama

SSH x 20

IST x 15

Merkins x 10

Cotton pickers x 15

Toy Soldier x 15

Arm circles forward 

Mosey around the AO to lower part of horseshoe and partner up

Partner 1 bear crawl 1/3 crab walk 1/3 and run 1/3 up the hill and run back down

Partner 2 – LBCs


Partner 1 – gets Rock – partner 2 does 5 Burpees

Little 1/2 Dora with Rock exercise and run to top of the hill and back

50 Skull crushers, 100 shoulder presses, 150 curls

Put rocks back and Mosey to firestation for Pledge of Alliegance 

Run up the hill to Jetton 

Monkey jumpers x 10 

Run back to corner at HT 

Merkin x 10

Run to "breeze way"

10 step ups each leg

Incline Merkin x 10

Peoples Chair 

Arm circles x 20

Decline Merkins x 10

Peoples Chair 

Touch them heels x 20

Crunchy Frog x 10



Thanks to Outlaw for allowing me to Q while he is on his vacation. Great work and sorry for the 1.5 miles in running but at least it didn't come all at once.  Lots of humidity but the PAX powered through.  Hope NaNaNa enjoyed his visit…. will he come back tho?