Better Late Than Never, but Never Late is Better

So let's just say I was saved by my 5 year old. Luckily, she woke me up at 6:53, otherwise I would have missed this Q at the Estate. Nevertheless, I made it to the parking lot just as the PAXs were getting started with out me. They had just finished up with their SSHs.

I took the wheel and we got started:


Windmills – 15

Carrot Pullers – 15

SSHs – 5

The Thing: 

10 Muricans and 10 air squats…10 rounds GO! 

15 yard lundge walk…sprint to end of track and grab a block

Full curls – Shoulder Presses – Rocky Balboas – 9x each

Chest press w/ Bicycle kicks, Chest press w/ low flooders – 10x each

Hit the green benches…15 step ups each leg….

Plant to bench touches x 10 count….Dips x 15…back to blocks

Skull crushers and block squats x 10 each

Jog up hill to basketball hoops…..Basket suicides w/ 2 muricans when returning to endline

Mosey to jungle gym….2 groups…..1st group did burpee pull ups x 5 while other group did 15 air squats…5 rounds of each

Back to suicide line….repeat with 3 airsquats when returning to end line..

Partner Up….Football rolls while touching partners hands…6 rolls total and each partner went twice 

Back to blocks at bottom of the hill…..

Shoulder press x 10 – Mountain climbers x 20 – LBCs x 20 – Dying Cockroaches x 15- Mountain Climbers x 20

Recover / Recover

Great mornining being with the guys….Little Tantrum aka FacePlant showed up about 15 mins into our beat down. Great kid and he's getting stronger…..He almost beat his pop in a foot race which was fun to watch. Good chatter amongst the group as always and everyone worked their tails off. The day seems to go much faster when you have the Q. Thanks for letting me lead fellas!
