Better Late Than Never I Suppose!

Also Tantrum’s 2.0 had W.B. honors!Warm-o-Rama:Joggy jog down to the bottom of the hillS.S.H x 20 ICMt. Climbers x 20 ICI.S.T. x 20 ICThe Thang: Partner UpPartner 1 does the following exercises:10 Carolina Dry Docks15 Squats20 LBCsPartner 2 starts bear crawling up the hill.Once Partner 1 finishes the exercises, they run to the top of the hill and back to Partner 2.Partner 1 takes over the bear crawl and Partner 2 does the same three exercises.Repeato until the team makes it up the hill and around the traffic circle. Reverse it:From the top of the hill Partner 1 does:10 Burpees20 Low FluttersPartner 2 Crawlbears back around the traffic circle towards the bottom of the hill. Flapjack, Repeato until all teams make it back down the hill.Mosey back up the hill, grab a rock from the rock pile!Low curl x15 ICHigh curl x15 ICFull curl x15 IC Goblet Squat x15 ICSkull Crushers x15 ICChest Press x15 ICSkull Crushers x15 ICGoblet Squat x15 ICLow Curl x15 IC High Curl x15 ICFull Curl x15 ICMosey back to the A.O.Recover Recover!Moleskin:YHC was late with a preblast, so it was only appropriate to be late with the backblast! Good times had by all at this fine A.O.! I really enjoyed getting to see everyone in the gloom, be proud of the work you put in and the encouragement you are to your F3 brothers!Thanks to The Force for the opportunity to lead! See you in the gloom!Chapo