better late then never

Warm up:

Since I was running late, Toxic lead with mosey and monkey humpers

Circle up.  SSH 20X, IST 20X, TS 20X, burpees 10

mosey to blocks, each PAX grabbed their own block, set block down

mosey to top of parking lot for suicides, round 1 merkin suicides 5,10,15, round 2 jump squat suicides 5, 10, 15, round 3 burpee suicides 5,10, 15

mosey back to blocks, split up into 2 groups, lined up blocks for the zipper (staggered merkin with plank walk thru the line of blocks), then 5 pull ups,start at one end of the pull up bars then shimmy to end of pull up bar then 5 more pull ups

zipper back down the line of blocks

walking lunges down parking lot, sprint down parking lot, not sure what these are called but side shuffle, squat touch the ground then jump and continue down parking lot and back, sprint again, walking lunges again

mosey back to blocks: block squat 20x, block curl 20x, block shoulder press 20x, 8count body builder 10

mosey down to the school, peoples chair 2 legs then 1 leg, shoulder press, touch them heels

declined on the wall, parker peter 10x and petter parker 10x

plank walk across road and back

peoples chair 2 legs then 1 leg, shoulder press, touch them heels

plank walk across road and back with merkins along the way

decline merkins 10x

mosey back to pull up bars


split up into to groups

pull up toe touches 10, LBC's

pull up up and overs 10, mason twist

pull knee ups 10, W

pull up kick outs 10, heels to heaven

mosey, cirlce up, goat mobility minutes


Toxic started to Q and lead the warm up since I was late and called for monkey humpers as I approached, after that view I will always be on time when I have the Q.

Rodeo was bleeding early but was not a result of the workout

BS called out early during burpee suicides

Pit Stop was making some pit stops on during the zipper.

Rocket, Top Gun and another PAX were insync during the shuffle, touch the ground and jump.  Camelback needed some work to get insync with them.

Great to see Hall Monitor at a non running workout.

Great Gnarly Goat post workout tweet: Omega beat the pax like a bowl of brownies

Welcome Little Smokey who builds houses put hemp.

Look forward to seeing FNG 2 Joe Davis back out soon.

Thank for coming out and allowing me to run the work out.