Better Late Then Never

Event Date

Apr 27, 2023

3 Pax showed up for Water Wings.  Actually on 2 showed up on time. Blackbeard rolled in late.   I brought out a new drill that I have never done before.  The Mega Catch-Up drill.   It is a form of Catch-Up drill where a kick board is held in front by one hand while the other arm does a stroke.   The key difference is that on the start of the stroke, after pulling the hand off the kick board, reach forward with the stroke arm before the catch.  This movement will pop the other shoulder up and will help improve shoulder roll. 


The Thang

Warm Up Choice until 5:40  
8×75 25 Mega Catch -up Drill 50 Swim 5 sec rest
3×200 Descend 20 sec rest
4×100 Steady Pace 15 sec rest
8×50 sprint down
easy back
10 sec rest