Bible Scholars Step Up To Avoid Burpees

A dozen PAX got after it this morning at the steps of Mt. Zion United Methodist Church, performing two rounds of ladders. Air Squats and Reverse Lunges were the exercises performed at the top of the steps, while PAX performed Carolina Dry Docks and Diamond Merkins at the bottom. Exercises were performed in an ascending and descending manner as YHC “over complicated” the explanation and got some friendly push back by the PAX hahahaha is it simply callled 11’s?? Sound off in comments 

Canuck, Bijoux and Goat saved the PAX from burpees by correctly answering the following 3 questions sprinkled in during the workout 

provide book and passage which proved Jesus drive a Honda – John – because I don’t speak of my own Accord 

shortest bible verse – Jesus Wept

author of modern day bible translation called The Message – Eugene Peterson”

PAX also managed to get healthy doses of calf raises, incline merkins and a little MARY at the end. 

it was a great morning – Goat sharing with Cousin Eddie about his painful massage, Iceberg coming out for his third post and crushing it, perfect form on dry docks by Hollywood, Canuck and Bijioux having an in depth discussion on the Bible, Hippie leading the PAX in the ladder workout and finally “hide your camel toe” was heard during hippies lead if Suzanne Sommers…

thanks to Goat for closing us in prayer that acknowledged our prayer requests this morning.

special shout out to JB for continuing to wrangle our FNG’s and ensuring they are welcome and accounted for-thank you Jersey Boy!!

honored to have 11 other PAX chose fission this morning 

Humbly In Christ
