Big Girls Need Love Too

Event Date

Sep 06, 2019

Warm Up

26 x SSH IC

10 x Dr Ws IC

20 x Deep Hold Squats IC

The Thang

Circle up and pick starting bell with bertha bell in the mix

15 x curls OYO Each side

15 x KB skull crushers IC

30 x KB Swings OYO

15 x KB Copperhead Squats IC

15 x KB Sidewinder OYO

15 x KB Squat curls IC

30 x KB Merkins OYO

15 x KB Russian twist IC

15 x KB AIs OYO

15 x KB On your back chest press IC

15 x KB Lunges OYO

Change up the rotation a bit and REPEATO

Around the Horn



2 Minutes max Sit-ups



Matthew 7:13-14

13 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.



  • Q showed he had a little bit of rust during the warm-up.

  • Bertha bell was picked on repeatedly during the thang … Big girls need love too

  • Only the tip curls SMH

  • Clark swings by on the way to BRR … good luck gentleman

  • VERY disappointed by the lack of tanks amongst the PAX but rebound gets partial credit with no sleeves

  • No one noticed a new tank I broke out 🙁