Big M is a ladder pushover

Event Date

Apr 22, 2019


A pax of 5 set off promptly at 0445(ish) in the cool morning air of Birkdale Village. Here’s what they did:

Warmup: SSH, CP, IST, Windmill IC. Plank walk around parking lot island, followed by curb kickers IC. Guess what we’re all warmed up.

Mosey to green area in Birkdale Village neighborhood. Conveniently, it is arranged in a square, which has 4 corners. Go to each corner for the following exercises:

  • Hand release merkins
  • Jump squats
  • Carolina dry docks
  • Burpees

Repeat this for several rounds, going up in reps until Jimmy O tells you to stop it. Then go down in reps and stop after 4 rounds.

Mosey to rock pile by greenway pond. Get a rock and come back for another circuit of…mobility minute!?

  • Various stretching exercises that YHC does not feel 100% confident in calling
  • Everyone seemed content enough stretching whichever way they pleased

Grab those rocks and start a ladder of shoulder press followed by Peter Parker IC going: 3/6/9/12/9/6/3. We rotated between rocks.

Put rocks back and mosey back to Sbux for recover-recover.

Discussion: we continued to discuss taking pause and exercising stillness, including practical applications (and the barriers we face that make this simple idea so difficult to comply with). We decided that, like any other skill, this takes practice. The key ideas I walked away with include being patient enough to mull issues over (you may not get an answer as soon as you want) and allowing the truth to distill in you over time (credit to Code Blue for coming up with that phrase). Also, the idea of “essence” in everything we do. What is the essence of our actions in our day to day? Are we wading along in the current of society and the world’s noise? Or is there intentionality behind what we are doing? Thanks to everyone there today…as always, I left with much more insight and encouragement than when I arrived.