Big Mean’s Filthy Fifty Gums Up The Glen™

The Glen-2018 came to an abrupt close today, truncated, as it started 3 min. late, and ended 3 min. early.  This was a way to note not only the Q's chronic lateness, but also his penchant for ending workouts early when he is completely smoked.  The Pax was ready, several had already crushed #thestandard (deets below), and two shot out early to tend to family obligations.  The #PB was TWEETED late, modified slightly, then tweaked (via Slack) for additional additions that added the 'meat' into today's humbling workout.  As the finishing polishes for today's Q were delicately placed, a 'last minute' call for some kettlebells and weights was put out.  In the end, the Pax 'produced', as they often do, to complete the high luster on Big Mean's juggernaut 'named' Q bestowed upon YHC's first ever F3RCUSA post, many years ago…….

Warm Ups: Pledge (Lear led).  IC- SSH 30, MC'S 15, Squats 15, Strutter's (hillbillies) 10.  Five penalty burpees when The Pax failed to recall that Strutter was the third Master Q in the lineage of The Glen…..shame.

The Thang: Today, we payed tribute to the previous Master Q's of The Glen (MQTG).  Above, the noted 'hillbilly' exercises, now known as the Strutter, remembers our 3rd MQTG, and next we did a Bear Crawl up the hill to the baseball field, honoring our 2nd MQTG, Rentacop.  Finally, we bit the big chunk off by bringing back the 1st MQTG, our very own Founding Father, Mr. Big Mean's Filthy Fifty (now, if YHC could find a way to TM or Circled R that, he would, but this tightly controlled website won't so much as let you put an exclamation point in this box without succombing to a full computer cavity search).  So, here's how this portion of the workout went down:

THE Filthy Fifty: Ten (10) exercises, 50 reps of each (some In Cadence-IC, as noted), OYO. 1. Burpees, 2. Dips IC 3. Box Jumps (or step ups) 4. Mericans IC 5. CDD's IC 6. Slow Deep Squats 7. KB swings 8. Pull Ups 9. Sit-outs 10. Partnered Leg Throw Down (PLTD).  This block of exercises sufficiently filled the 7:10-50 gap, which led us back to the wall, where we did 10 Declines IC (in response to Deepend feeling his shoulders were shortchanged during the Filty Fifty, then…

Mary: Mason Twist (on wall) 10 IC, Kick-Ups 10 IC.  Recover, recover.


-FNG-1 is Bombardier, FNG-2 is Ashton Brockop (Pink Slip's 2.0-first poster), FNG-3 is Cable (Tailhook's 2.0),

-FNG-4 (second poster)Craig Piscatella is now HAYWOOD, named by Stroker Ace–follow us here- Craig 'hails' from Johnston, PA, which is ALSO home to famous Milwalkee Brewers player Pete Vuckovich (AND Stroker Ace).  Now, Vuckovich was also featured in the movie, Major League, in which he was Clu HAYWOOD….and there you have it.  Exceptional 'one off' stuff right there:-)  FTR, Stroker is friends with Pete Jr., Vuckovich's son….cool beans!

-#thestandard participants in these speficific disciplines were as follows:  runners- Usain, Loveshack, Geronimo, and Bombardier; ruckers- Big Mean, Manhands, Stroker Ace, Chief, and Brushless.

-Loveshack was quite cantankerous today–suggesting the Q 'demonstrate' pull-ups on the post (a purely incendiary request), complaining about some of the exercises in Big Mean's beloved workout, and even suggesting Eagles fans are not the stand-up, model-citizen, near cannonized type of people they are known to be!  Heresy….that is!

-Many modified accordingly today, but all were there giving 100% effort, which is all anyone can ask of you in this enviroment.

-Ticktock and YHC first tacked the Pull-ups, but the ease and grace of Ticktock on the bar was impressive, even after noting he had a 'rib concern'…..unnoticable.  Ticktock was also finished with about 20 min. left…..

-Chief seemed to have a lot to say about the 50 Pull-ups, which is interesting since HE COMMISSIONED Parks and Rec for the very pull-up bars he was complaining about!!!

-Soul Glo was smiles all day (is he ever not??), while thanking the Q for a grueling workout that he loved (or was it hated) doing……something there didn't add up!

-The 'leg throw downs' needed to be done eyes closed….pure and simple.

-LOTS of men standing around, breathing heavy……warmed the cockles of YHC's heart.

-Gents, thanks kindly for the chance to lead this fine group in 2018.

-Usain takes The Glen reigns for 2019, and rights this ship from it's clearly current listing position.   He'll bring back the respect, honor, humility, and dignity lost this past year due to the vigilante Master Q Strutter left the reigns with.

-PLEASE step up and grab a Q from ANY of the Master Q's.  There is NO DOUBT, you willl be a better man for it!!! (and ask for help/guidance if necessary, ain't no shame in that)