Big Numbers at Cauldron for a surprise sally beatdown

Not listed above is Van Dam.  Amen get the boy signed up on the website!


19 men came out for a surprise sally beatdown.  I have not posted in 2.5 weeks do to my own fault and laziness.  It is amazing what one workout will do to get you back in the swing of things.  Oh how you realize how much you miss the pax and the the chatter.



·         Mosey around parking lot

·         SSH x 25

·         IST x 15

·       Cotton Pickers X12

  • Arm Circles
  • Michael Phelps arm slaps



The Thang: Exercise to lyrics of song of Moby’s Flower (3:35 mins)

·         Mericans

·         Should press

·       Lunges

  • 10 Burpees in memory of Toxic’s father that passed away late on 9/28/17 at request of toxic via flyby from Tagless and the odyssey runners

·         Curls with Hold at 90 on Sally Down

·         Chest press with leg raise; hover during Sally Down

·         Squats

·       Triceps Press

  • Run a lap around the lot to break it up

·         Full Curls

·         Squats



·         Box Cutter x 15

·         BBC x 20

·       Pretzel Crunch x 10 each side

  • 30 Sec plank until 6:15


Prayers for Toxic and his family as they morn the loss of his father.  Toxic please reach out to any of us if there is something we can do for you or your family.


Lots of 1st timers for Sally at the cauldron today.  They will thank me later for the tune that is stuck in their heads all day and for the arm soreness they will have while working today


Smore was talkative as usual and looking for an audible on a few of the exercises


Holiday has plan to rerecord the sally up and sally down with…Bring sally up, bring sally down, don’t let your kettlebell hit the ground.   It was kind of catchy.


Amen had way to much energy dancing around this morning to song.


Sally is a beast and she bring the pain for sure.  As Roadie said it really eats up some time.


Thanks to mini-me and jorel for introducing me to F3 5 or more years ago.  It has made me a better well rounded man for sure.