Big Rock, Little Rock..

Event Date

Sep 05, 2017


Mighty Pax of 7 faced the gloom today at Fallout. What a great moring for a beat down. 

Tha Thang:

Warmorama :

Small lap 

Walking High knees

Merkins x 10 ic

Micheal Phelps

Eddie Eagle squats x10

Tha Substance:

Peg leg squats x 10 each side ic

Merkins x10 ic

Susan Summers x 15 ic


Big lap

Overhead Rock lunge x 20 yrs

Curls x 15 ic

Reverse Overhead Rock lunge x 20 yrs

Burner x 15 ic 


Big Lap 

Little rock for some experimental Yoga

Plank Wing-it x 5 Ic maybe

Warrior 1&2 with rock.. much better on this one


Homer to Marge  to single leg dolly L/R ic 10

WW-II x 20


Good to see Code Blue out there. You're due for a Q.

T-claps to LawnDart for pushing himself and becoming a runner. 

Snakes Eyes calls out Tantrum , living up to his reputation. ( was it Tantrum?) 

Sorry, but not Sorry all the BRR pax ..for a leg day. Know who doesn't skip leg day… BATMAN. (if you have 2.0 under 10 you know). You'll need those strong glutes to get up that hill. Thank me later. If you did the movements correctly your soccer arms would have gotten a workout too, Just sayin'. 

BRR , safe runs and enjoy. 

Good to see Frogger, hop over. Maybe he found a new pad to Tuesdays. 

 Lexicon for the Day : PICKLE TOE: The use of a minor injury as an excuse to Smart Sack.

Always a Honor to Lead Men of F3 .