Big rock, not as big rock.

Also there, but not on the list Cable, and the Gilded Lady. Two reluctant runners ran some miles beforehand.


First things first, Lear led the group with the Pledge of Allegiance. After ashort disclaimer,  we were off to start the workout. A short mosey to the area we cal Bristol, and we started with SSH, WM, 10 burpees OYO, IST, and CP. We then took the scenic route to the rock pile.

The Thang

YHC instructed the PAX to find a rock that they would be "comfortable" using for multiple reps. I also asked them to find a rock that they would be "uncomfortable" doing 5 reps with. Some chose well, others, not so much.

The first round started like this, 20 reps with the little rock, and 5 with the big rock. The excercises were as follows:

Skull Crushers, Chest Press, Curls, B-O Rows. Then we hit our six, for Bench Presses, and "rock-assisted" LBCs.

This concluded round one, and we took a slow lap of the track. For round two I called for repeato, but the PAX asked for an Omaha. I obliged, and we went through the whole thing again, but we did not switch rocks for each exercise. We did go up on the number of reps. 25 each with the not as big rock. We then switched to the big rock, and managed to get 7-10 reps through the entire cycle again.


For Mary YHC chose LBC, the W, Peter Parkers, Parker Peters, the dying cockroach, WWII, Mountain Climbers, Makhtar N'dyes. There was a request for Pillow Talk, but Brushless was much too close to the Q for that.


Looking forward to having all of our BRRers back out in the Gloom. You guys have trained hard, and made us proud. Are you all ready to start training for BRR 2018?

I am pretty sure none of us were expecting to see a full moon this morning.

There will be an amazing free men's workout next Saturday. Bring a friend. Rent-A-Cop has something extra special planned for us all.