The Rock is at its core weightlifting- and bigger muscles are developed from heavier weights.

With that logic my 50 pound-kettlebell was shared so that everyone did 2 sets of single-arm swings or 20 double-arm swings with the beast, some dug deep and did another exercise before passing it on. Most kettlebell exercises were done single arm to encourage greater core strength through managing instability.

17 for kettlebells- Porker, Hurdle, Contra, and Loveshack ran but were back for COT for 21 total. 


Loop around the AO – High Knees, Buttkickers, and Karoake

Side Straddle Hop x 20

Cotton Pickers x 10

Mountain Climbers x 10

Merkins x 10

Imperial Stormtrooper x 10


Single Arm Kettlebell Swing x 10 each arm (repeated every other exercise with 50-lb bell rotation)

Slow Deep Squat x 10

Renegade Merkin x 10 each arm

Side Lunges x 10 each leg

Single Arm Curl x 10 each arm

Single Arm Skullcrusher x 10 each arm

Lawnmower Pulls x 10 each arm

Reverse Lunge x 10 each leg

Upright Row x 10

WWII x 10

Slow Deep Squat x 10


PAX choice around the circle, notably Heels to Heaven by Deadpool and Burpees by Mailman. WWII are also notably easier without a kettlebell.

Announcements/Prayer Requests

FNG is LadyBug’s 2.0 and now known as ManU.

It was an honor to lead this group for my virgin Q, I’m a better man due to F3 – thank you all.
