
Event Date

Feb 13, 2018

Six of somebody’s country’s finest came out on a Tuesday morning at the Quarry to participate in the Binathlon. It was glorious.


Front skip, backwards skip, Karaoke x 2, SSH, TS, Cherry pickers and Mercans

The Thang

Assembled Olympians invited to the back of the Suburban for their daily allotment of bricks. Happy to report that there were none of the lighter pavers chosen which was a good sign

Mosey to back parking lot for the Binathlon, which is a Natty Lite inspired Winter Olympic competition. Pax provided with a choice of being told in advance what exercise the winter Olympic sport was closest to, or guessing what Olympic sport was after the exercise. Pax chose the latter, but it did require a really active imagination

  • Apollo Anton Onos – short track speed skating

  • Man maker Mercans – skeleton

  • WWII with chest fly on the down (luge)

  • Burpees (snowboard)

Walking lunge 1/4 lap (cross country skiing)

  • Squats with OH press (ski jumping)

  • Side raises and front raises (curling)

  • Trapezoid lifts

  • Bent over reverse flies (downhill skiing)

Speed skate long track (1/4 lap)

  • Gun show curls

  • Jab, uppercut, cross, and haymaker (ice hockey)

  • Left to rights (curling)

  • Quick overhead presses (medal ceremony)

Walking lunge 1/4 lap (cross country skiing)

  • Skull crusher (biathlon shooting)

  • Tri extensions (luge start)

  • Diamond brick Mercans (skeleton)

  • Apollo Anton ono (short track speed skating)

Prancing gallop 1/4 lap (Ice Dancing?)

  • Mason brick twist (luge)

  • Dying cockroach (snowboard wipeout)

  • V/W ups with bricks (exercise performed in the Olympic village late night)

  • Leg lifts with bricks with Pax counting down from 10 at preferred pacing (luge)


  • Representing the Republic of France in today’s competition – Ginsu!

  • Rapid succession of French epithets ensued after a brief welcome (included Les cage au folles, gaye Paris, Maurice Chevalier, Moulin Rouge, Jean Valjean, and Zinedine Zidane). While its all the same material, these had really been building up for a while

  • Pax either missed the verbal cue to commence the backwards skip or chose to ignore it. Q felt like he was giving a college tour

  • The alternatives to walking lunges can be described as a lot of things, but being visually pleasing was not one of them

  • Tasmania has never had any athletes compete in the Winter Olympics. Reasons for that drought were made evident today

  • Don’t forget that Lent starts this week. Get your ash in church

  • When in doubt of just what Olympic exercise it may be, it’s definitely luge

  • Pax dissapointed that there were no actual rifles brought onto school grounds for the workout. We tried that before with bows and arrows and my boys will never let me borrow their stuff again 

  • A friend of mine knew this guy who had his two bottom ribs removed…. 

  • Did you hear about the Polish team winning the Gold medal? They had it bronzed

  • DACA hits home. Ginsu is apparently a dreamer. Sure is a good thing he is from a country not considered a shart hole

  • Snowboarding performance enhancement involves hemp and headphones. So stoked dude

  • The Olympic training center in Colorado Springs has bricks everywhere. This crew needs the high altitude training to achieve peak performance

  • You are all Gold in my book