Birthday Bash / MQ Transition Day at MadSci

It was a special day this past Wed, and while late, important enough to still get a BB out before the weekend. Our man Tweetise had a birthday, and was handing over the MQ reigns for Mad Scientist to LaBon. We also had some visitors up from Davis Lake. How did we celebrate all this? Read on.

Not on site: Blue Bird, Backcracker, Jordache, The Farm, Two Step and welcome to FNG Flip It

Standard: 2 brave PAX joined YHC to run a lap around downtown Huntersville. Thanks Tweetsie and Winnebago for the 2ndF, and nice job Bago for the extra mile on the back end. 


  • SSH 15
  • IST 15
  • CP 15
  • Arm Circles
  • In honor of Tweetise's birthday we did 47 more SSH, why? Because it's better than burpees.

The Thang:

  • Mosey to school and grab a partner
    • Partner 1 – 10 pullips
    • Parter 2 – AMRAP squat jumps
    • Flapjack
  • Mosey to small circle drive
    • Bear crawl half lap
    • mosey back
    • 2 laps and audibled to walking lunges on last lap
  • Mosey to corner of school and Gilead
    • Monkey Humper 15
  • Mosey to rock pile by deck (all 15 reps
    • low Curl
    • Skull crusher
    • Squat
    • High curl
    • Chest press
    • Russian Twist, and drop the rock
    • Finish with Mercans
  • Mary
    • LBC
    • Squirm
    • Low Flutter


  • Happy birthday to Tweetsie, great example of HIM, and thanks for your leadership at Mad Scientist, hope we did you proud as you hand off to LaBon.
  • LaBon, big shoes to fill and we trust you can do it. We're here for you to keep this AO growing and strong. 
  • Contiued thoughts and prayers this morning to those out East in NC that are still recovering from the floods and hurricane. 
  • Prayers for F3 Sandman and his family, as he recovers from a heart attack this week. 
  • Thank you all for the opportunity to lead this morning. See you next  time.