Birthday Beatdown

Event Date

May 21, 2024


This was a good one!!! Mr Holland apparently launched around 0500 for the a double standard, Frodo and myself launching at 0510 for the standard standard. 0530 it’s go time! AM-PM slid in that DM right on the money. Soon as he put it in park we took off to Arnies Army for the reckoning. 

31 pullups

31 burpees

31 hanging leg lifts (aka L swings)

31 box jumps (or bench jumps in this case)

31 Carolina dry docks

Heres the Catch! You cannot advance to the next workout until you finish all the reps from that exercise. Each exercise must be followed by 3.1 laps around the parking lot before moving onto the next workout. 
These pax crushed it!! I knew popcorn and swing state would likely add a 6th round, not sure if they did Merkins or LBC’s. Think Mr holland may have got in another round also, congrats guys! The rest of us were doing all we could handle to stay on top of the prescribed beat down. Loved the effort out of everyone. Seriously good workout. Finished with a 100 meter dash in the parking lot at the launch point. 

DonHo was dearly missed but his spirit lived on as he shouted words of encouragement to us out his car window on his way down range at 5:11am 

Prayers for Swing States family, particularly his wife’s side. They’re struggling with a loss and another perhaps soon to follow. May God be with their family. Prayers for Ultra Man, his mother and family, and prayers for baby Millie. 

