Fillmore in attendance not on website
Warmarama: Go grab a cindyblock before we start
Slow sprint
Little bit faster sprint
Slow Squats
Even faster sprint
Cotton Pickers
Full sprint
The Thang:
- 10 burpees
Sprint about 100 yards
- 8 pull ups
Sprint back
- 10 burpees
- 15 Squat Thrusters with Cindyblock
Sprint about 100 yards
- 8 pull ups
- 20 Merkins
Sprint back
- 10 burpees
- 15 Squat Thrusters with Cindyblock
- 20 Low flutter with Cindyblock press
Sprint about 100 yards
- 8 pull ups
- 20 Merkins
- 20 jump squats
Sprint back
- 10 burpees
- 15 Squat Thrusters with Cindyblock
- 20 Low Flutter with Cindyblock press
- 20 CindyBlock Swings
Sprint about 100 yards
- 8 pull ups
- 20 merkins
- 20 Jump Squats
- 5 Time Clock Merkins – do a merkin and move hands to 3 oclock and do a merkin then to 6 oclock, etc. one round around the clock is 1 merkin – only made it to 3!
Let’s Mosey around the lot a little
Do some dips, some slower than other till i heard some BS
Back to Blocks
- 10 burpees
- 15 Squat Thrusters with Cindyblock
- 20 Low Flutter with Cindyblock press
- 20 CindyBlock Swings
- 20 Shoulder Presses
Sprint about 100 yards
- 8 pull ups
- 20 merkins
- 20 Jump Squats
Sprint back
The Finisher!
- Burpees for 30 seconds
- Side bear crawl 5 crawls back and forth for 30 seconds
- Repeat for 4 total minutes (ONLY HAD ONE MINUTE THOUGH!)
Recover Recover
- Thanks to all for showing up today at what is a great AO with lots of options.
- Great to see Ditka in the gloom, something about a new job and traveling the world is keeping his F3 days to a minimum
- not much mumblechatter, but enough to show some displeasure
- I tried the Time clock merkins…quite challenging. I announced we would do 40, but after a few of the PAX gasped i let them know about 3-5 would do it!
- Loved the turn out today by 17 PAX, thanks for the support on my 43rd birthday.
- Dallas Roast coming up…i would think by now we should have so many jokes ready it might take 2 nights!
- Thanks to all of F3 PAX for pushing me and getting me out of bed every morning (when in town!)
- I'm going to be a part of the Launch team in Carmel, IN on April 1. (northern Indy) if anyone knows people there to reach out to, please let them know. i can also provide details.