Birthday Celebration at The Glen

Event Date

Jul 30, 2016

10 Men arived at Stumpy Creek park to celebrate LW's birthday thay had taken place the day before.  LW let us know he was going to be DR and YHC realized it was Cracks birthday.  So we made it a celebration of Crack.  6 men met the standard before the Thang and 3 of those left to tackle their day or get some sleep.  Heres our story

Pledge of Allegience at the Flag and begin to Mosey.  Crack the birthday boy pointed out the nice we grass we were running in so we stopped to LBC x 42  Mosey to the farthest parking lot.  Warmup Mosey includding high knees butt kickers.  

COP  SSH x 42, Soy Bean Pickers x 10 5 penatly 8 count body builders (Chiefs fault can't remeber why)  IST x 10

To the Stair exaclty 41 steps so instructions were to jump 1 extra time at the top each time to get in 42 reps.  Trips up the stairs included bunny hop, right leg hop, left leg hop,  running back down each time.

Mosey to the rock pile at the bottom of the halftime hill partner up with someone who uses a similar sized rock.  Partner 1 curls AMRAP partner 2 Merkins x 7 and switch until each person has done 7 merkins x 3 for a group total of 42 merkins.  Drop your rocks and run to the pull up bars each person does 10 pullups and run back to your rocks and plank and wait for everyone to finish.  Round 2 sound thing with Shoulder Press and Wide Merkins, Round 3 Diamond Merkins and Skull Crushers Round 4 Curls and Merkins.  

Mary LBC x 42 RAC, Box Cutter and Cutter Box x 21 each Crack, Mason Twist x 10 Dory, Makhtar N'Diayes x 20 Contra, Recover Recover


Happy Birthday Crack and LW.  Thanks Crack for inviting me to join this great goup a few years back.  

Race Citys newly appointed party planner talked of brining ballons and cake but failed to get out of the fartsack

Lear explored the tunnel and found the spiders

Welcome FNG Mike now known as Gate Keeper 

Welcome to Race City Contra great to have you and thank you for sharing with us about The Delta at Coffee. Check out the Preblast for The Delta great event and a great cause the Men of F3 isotope are putting together.