Birthday get together every 4th Thursday

Event Date

Sep 15, 2022


3 men met in the cool

Warmorama: runner's stretch

The Thang: Mosey to Slow's place

  • 3 rounds Chest and tri's
  • mosey back

MARY – flutter, box, reverse box

COT – devotional prayer recognizing God's grace


  • medial epicondylitis is a repetitive use injury. Derkins are the purported culprit
  • $75 Disney gift card does not cover presents for 3
  • delimna – presents for kids or present for wife??
  • could cost you 1/2 if you choose poorly
  • Ockotberfest kicks off this weekend.  Aufederzein
  • When you know everything, do you take notes?  not likely
  • embarrassing stories…can be some of the best.  still embarrasing tho

final suggestion – if anyone has a birthday this month, let's start a bday club – meet at Johnny Brusco's next Thursday at 7 for dinner and drinks on the patio – cost split by non bday people.  I say if wives can do it, so can we!!