Birthday Version of the Quickest F3 Workout Known as Daytona

So yet again, I made sure that I had multiple alarms set and had the M on watch as well.

But that did not help me last year when I overslept and missed 40 minutes of my Q of #Daytona.

Today…it was a much different outcome.  Being that it was my birthday, I was so excited to get the day started and woke up at 4:29 before the first of many alarms.  Already winning the day!

I will admit, I was a little pissed that today, Mother Nature decided not to pour on us. Of course, when we have the decks of DPK. 

Arrived in the area of #Madsci to see Frogger and Fenway running a standard with different routes but ending up in the same place regardless.

Planted the Operation Sweet Tooth SF, ran to the bottom to tape up the exercises and proceeded to greet the Pax.

The mumblechatter started early today with the reminiscing of last year’s Q fail.  I was giving most of the MC myself.

530 rolled around and it was a go.

Head to basement.

Qbert extra credit wall jumping (S2K)


Birthday message and thank you.

Warm o Rama


10 Cotton Pickers IC


10 Windmill IC


The Thang:

YHC explained the rules of #Daytona.

OYO.  You vs You.  Exercises and run up the stairs and down the ramps.

Goal is to complete all 500 reps…hence Daytona 500.

And the flag drops!

25 Burpees

50 LBC’s

50 Mericans

50 Squats

50 Freddie Mercury’s

50 Carolina Dry Docs

50 Lunges

50 Mason Twists

50 Wide Grip Mericans

50 Jump Squats

25 Burpees

Olive CoT

Speedy Moleskin:

Qbert battled Cherry Bomb…they lifted off the gas the last lap…

Scrap was missed as was the music.

There was a Fenway siting…and he put my in my place by finishing the last ramp run to make COT.

YHC still has not finished Daytona since the first year I created it.  #GOAL

I heard some grumblings…there is a love hate relationship.

Stairs after jump squats and burpees…outch.

We stayed dry.

Tomorrow will be a different story.

Nice to see some old faces out and about.

43 is just the same as 42…just #OneYearCloser

Thanks for all those that came to run #Daytona and help kick off my birthday in the right way.  I appreciate each and everyone one of you.


Live Life.  Own Every Second and Never, Ever Take Anything For Granted.

Humbly Yours-