Black Betty

Event Date

Dec 28, 2016

Warm Up

> 10 IC cotton pickers

> right leg / left leg stretch

> arm circles

Black Betty; 3:37 of SSH with a 'black betty burpee' (added a few BBB's during the long instrumental breaks)

> run around high school to the block pile

> farmer carry 2 blocks to the benches in from of the HS

The Workout

> 10 each leg; step up to bench holding both blocks

> 10 IC skull crushers with block

> 10 IC squats with block press

> 10 IC rows each arm

Indian run around the parking lot

> 10 each leg; step up to bench with 1 block curl

> 10 IC tricep dip with block on legs

> lap around small circle doing alternating lunges with curls

> 10 IC incline merkin on block on curb

Indian run around the parking lot

farmer carry blocks back to block pile

mosey to starting point


> 20 LBC's IC

> 15 peter parkers IC

> 15 WW2 SU's

> 10 IC low plank to hands alternating


John 15:5 "I am the vine; you are the branches.  If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." 

From 'Jesus Calling' devotional; "I Am Preparing You" – Dec. 27th.  "The busier you become, the more you need this time apart with Me."