A pax of 9 joined YHC in the rain for a workout designed with SnakeEyes 3 years ago. We called it Black Eyed Pea soup.
Warmorama (all X15 in cadence)
- Windmill
- Imperial Storm Troopers
The Thang:
Sprint to the middle school
- 10 wall jacks in cadence
- over/under the fence
- line up on the 1st base foul line and gorilla walk for 20 yards
- partner up and wheel barrell to center field
- 15 sit ups
- partner carry to third base foul line
- shuffle across third base dugout bench
- 10 burpees
- shuffle across first base dugout bench
- 10 burpees
- back to middle school wall and peoples chair with 10 air-presses IC
- bear crawl weave under the fence
- line up on the first base foul line and gorilla walk for 20 years
- partner up and wheel barrell to center field
- 15 sit ups
- partner carry to third base foul line
- Tunnell of Love 2 times through
- shuffle across third base dugout bench
- 10 burpees
- 15 dips in cadence on first base dugout bench
- back to middle school wall into peoples chair with 15 heal touches in cadence
- Indian run back to Fallout launching point
- Homer to Marge
- 20 low flutters in cadence
- 15 heals to heaven in cadence
- SnakeEyes takes us out with 15 shoulder touch merkins
- Thank you 66 for the opportunity to lead this morning. It was an honor.
- Prayers to The Force's friend Bill Parker and his family as they deal with their doctor feedback on his brain tumor