**Missing a few Pax above that may not be in our database and Log, Snoopy's 2.0. 

33 men showed up at NMP expecting an easy work out consisting of pumpkin pie and a quiz but ended up Sprints and Burpees. Thanks to Skipper from Denver F3 for making the trip all the way out to Huntersville and Hambone back up from Metro, who had the Black Friday Q last year. 


SSH x 15, Merkins x 10, Firestone Cotton Picker Potporri Hybrid x 10, Mountain Climber x 10 

The Thang: 

Break up into two groups. 

Bad Cop (FireStone) dolled out the 12 Pains of Christmas

Good Cop (Scrappy) led the PAX in Ye Old String of Pearls Workout 

Firestone Q:

Line up at bottom of hill by ball field to deck the hills with pain.

12 days of Christmas spin off with a stack of pain. Each number represents the amount of the corresponding exercise you do and the number of times of Quadraphillia up the hill. Always doing the exercises down to 1 before next trip(s) up the hill.

  1. Mountain Climber Burpees
  2. Plan Jack Burpees
  3. Tuck Jump Burpees
  4. Chest slap Burpees
  5. Golden ring Burpees
  6. Traveling Merkins
  7. Jump Squats (change to forward up hill for time and to be able to walk later)
  8. Carolina dry docks
  9. Tuck Jumps (Nobody made it past nine)
  10. Merkins
  11. Air squats
  12. LBC 
  • Group number 1 got the pattern within minutes or at least played along like they did. Group 2…..not so much…The captain of the ship of confusion was Jolly Roger.  
  • Lot of mumble chatter before and after everyone figured it out.
  • Congratulations to Hambone who won group 1’s 12 Pains of Christmas
  • Congrats to Hippie who one Group 2, but did not accept beer, so Jolly Rogers got the “excellent effort” beer.
  • The YHC did not consider he would have to do two rounds of the 12 Pains of Christmas.
  • Thanks to Scrappy for jumping in like the leader he is and helping with the Co-Q.

Scrappy Q

Ye Old String of Pearls 

Run the baseball field track.  Sprint to each light pole doing exercies as each station.  About 5 stations total. 

Derkins on the Bleachers

RELAY RACES Sprints, Backwards Sprints, Bear Crawls, and Crab Walks

Indian Runs


– Men were thankful to have a bit of a reprieve after the FIRESTONE BURPEE-PALOOZA

– Gnarly Goat rightfully titled this workout, "Good Cop, Bad Cop"  Well done GG.   

– HamBone won every sprint despite Tantrum cheating.  Not sure if these men were even in the same group.  

– T-Claps to Snoopy's 2.0, Log, for posting a few days on school break. You're a beast like your Dad.

– Hall Monitor ran the 5 mile standard along with Jolly, Jenny, and TurnCoat 

– TurnCoat, Snoopy, Ty Webb, BoarHog were notably the fastest sprinters 

– Jolly can move too for a clydesdale 

– BoarHog Quote:  "That was Brutal."  

– Lots of misdirection on the backwards runs

– YHC was completely bushed after today.  Fighting a cold, but still a tough workout nonetheless.  Getting thrown to pavement by Titan and Jolly pre-workout certainly assisted. 

– Great push by all the PAX.  Jedi was in front all day.  Maybe that's why YHC couldn't remember him.  Nice work brother. 

– And yes, I was born in Maryland, and must have been crab in a former life.  #WheelHouse   


Zuul took us out in prayer. Thanks WarDaddy at 59! 

Lots of men at 49 today.  Almost respect.

2nd F = At Primal Brewery (beers, coffee, and food truck!)  

Men, we get up in the morning and workout for one reason.  Because we can.  Not a lot of men can do what we do, but God has been gracious to us.   

When in doubt, ask another man out (to F3) and share this life freeing gift. 
