Blackbeard complains


9 men came out including Blackbeard!!!  Yes I know!!  Blackbeard came out of hibernation and told me every time he shows up at an AO he will send out the BB for that AO.   Very thoughtful of him…

You know it’s going to be a long AO when Blackbeard can’t stop complaining about the AO being similar to fallout, the burpees are too much, having to wake up, Justin Bieber, the toilet seat being left up and the Mtn Climbers.  It never ended with him.   So after 5 mins of this we put our game face on and started to work. 

The WORK –

Mosey around the parking lot with some high knees, butt kickers and karaoke’s…

Circle up for some windmills and started off at doing 46 SSH but no one knows how keep count so the punishment was 56?!?!  That was the Rumor at least.

Broke up into 4 groups with one forgetting which group he belong too.  Keep in mind there was only 2 per group…  what a shame…

                30 sec    stations                                           30 sec stations                                 

  • Station 1 – Al Gore                                                Burpee

  • Station 2 – Jump Squat                                         Burpee

  • Station 3 – Line jump                                             Burpee

  • Station 4 – Block Squat                                          Burpee



        30 SEC                                                                30 Sec

  • Station 1 – Merkin                                             Mtn Climbers

  • Station 2 – Block Swings                                  Mtn Climbers

  • Station 3 – RowsHockey Rows                        Mtn Climbers

  • Station 4 – Plank feet Jacks                              Mtn Climbers


Run A LAP – Not enough time left to do more burpees so we resorted to a lap.

Circle UP –

20 – DOT the I’s

15 – Spread Eagles

Mayhem lead the team with the finally – Rosalitas!!

We circled up and I took a volunteer to lead us in prayer.  I don’t know what was worse me forgetting who said the prayer or Mayhem making the comment about being wet “That’s what she said” just before we went into prayer…