YHC’s pre-blast suggested field work, resistance bands, and the Bailey Road half pipe were in order for Bedrock. Thug and YHC completed multiple band exercises after a brief warm-a-rama on Broadway. The often neglected pull exercises were included in the workout by using the playground and performing one arm rows and modified pull-ups on the lower bar.
YHC forgot that soccer teams would begin taking up the fields given it’s early spring so we weren’t able to perform any field work. Instead we moseyed over the the bottom of the Bailey Road Half Pipe where an overaggressive ladder workout was suggested before YHC realized it was far too ambitious. It’s been often said “If you can’t Q it, don’t do it”, so YHC was quick to call an audible which shortened the half-pipe ladder but managed to provide plenty of lung busting cardio up and down the hills.
Thug and YHC proceed to cover a good portion of the park before we ended with a final lap around the track for extra distance. We managed to finish the beatdown and covered 2 miles throughout.
Thoroughly enjoyed catching up with Thug as it’s often easier and more personal with small numbers. Thug made a funny quip which compared YHC’s recent vacation tan to his ghostly white legs and realized his upcoming vacation to the beach might require a few tanning bed visits.
Remembering the upcoming 3/22 Christina Latini 8k event, only weeks away.
YHC closed in prayer and we caught up with our MJ buds over at Caribou which by the way should be our new go to coffeeteria! Fantastic vibe in that place with plenty of room and a very friendly staff. YHC and Thug provided friendly harassment to ‘Stream for showing up at MJ and not Bedrock only because RV not attending Bedrock is a rare occurrence and equally as rare for him not making a workout at all. Our ‘Tope attendance leader is a true example of dedication and commitment.
Blackbeard had a very engaging and humorous conversation with one of the barista’s claiming he will need to get a nose ring, or some sort of body piercing or colorful tattoo since he’s consider a part time gig at Caribou. Comment here if you have any suggestions on new body art for Blackbeard.
Humbly in Christ
Blackbeard should get body piercing and tattoo to help create the full Pirate look
Sorry I missed your Q Magnum PI. Great seeing you at coffee.