Blackbeard Saves the Day

Event Date

Sep 17, 2024


Well, at 5:30 and about 30 seconds, the parking lot was empty. YHC had resolved to grab the headlamp and at least do something to start the day, however feeble it would have been. And then – two headlights turned into the church and a big ‘ol truck captained by Blackbeard docked in a parking space and it was on. Of course, there was discussion of just going straight to coffee, but was Sbux even open yet? So we decided to enter the gloom and kick off the day properly. Here’s what we did:

Mosey to parking lot near the playground and do (the majority of) Waffle’s activation routine — if you ever want a copy just reach out. It included knee to chest, quad pulls, high knees, frankensteins, butt kickers, side lunge, lunge & reach, lunge & twist, rocker walks, gate openers, floor touch, and A-skips. Maybe something else — but that’s the majority.

Mosey to all for a brief wall sit and 10 IC air press. Mosey to picnic tables for:

3 rounds of 

10 sticky step ups each leg OYO 

10 incline man-maker ‘Mericans ic 

10 reach ups ic

We took a couple laps around the bathroom at some point…

3 rounds of 

10 Bulgarian split squats ic

10 dips ic

10 hand plank shoulder touch ic 

Mosey to the church portico for 10 IC pretzel crunch, 10 IC little baby extensions, 10 IC low W’s

Stretchy stretch

Recover, recover


Thanks for saving the day, Blackbeard! 

Not much running, but a fair number of reps. We ended up just under a mile by my calculation. 

Silent prayer and headed to coffee, where Jersey Boy met us and we had some good convo about movies and tv shows. 

Great start to the day!