Blackberry’s Birthday Smash

13 total partied hard at Mighty Oak this morning as YHC closed the book on another year on this spinning rock.  3 for an early run to shake out the limbs. 


Slow mosey around parking lot

SSH x 30 IC

Cotton Picker x 15 IC

IST x 15 IC

Windmill x 10 IC

Girl Fight x 10 IC


Pick a partner and split up.  First partner does bear crawls around concrete balls.  Second Partner does box jumps on the planter boxes.  Flap jack and continue until 100 cumulative box jumps are achieved.  Early finishers plank until finished.

People’s Chair with Overhead Air Press x 20 IC

First partner does crab walk around concrete balls.  Second Partner does Merkins.  Flap jack and continue until 100 cumulative Merkins are achieved.  Early finishers do Low Flutter.

People’s Chair with Overhead Air Press x 20 IC

Mosey to rear school parking lot

Line up on school side facing basketball hoops.  Jacobs Ladder OYO: Jump Squat x 1, run to hoops, Burpee x 10, return and repeat until JS x 10 & Burpee x 1.

Over to wall for Balls to the Wall (or Dicks to Bricks, either is accurate)

WWII Situp w/ Mason Twist x 15 IC

BTTW Repeat

Mosey back to front parking lot and line up for Mary.


To the inspiring tune of the A-Team

Big Baby Crunch x 20 IC

Windshield Wipers (Led by Red October)

W x 20 IC

Box Cutter x 10 IC

Reverse Box Cutter x 10 IC


  • Thank you all for rising out of your warm beds and heading out to get after it with YHC this morning.  I toyed with the idea of sleeping in, since it’s my birthday and all, but I felt much more fulfilled after the workout was over.
  • Everyone pushed themselves hard this morning.  Outstanding work!
  • Welcome FNG – Chris.  Did really well for your first post.  Looking forward to seeing more of you around, we’ll even give you a cool nickname that will be sure to be a conversation starter.
  • Reflecting on this past year, a lot has been accomplished that I would have had a hard time imagining this time last year.  32 years on this pale blue dot, this year has been one of my best, and I want to continue this momentum to make next year even better.  F3 has been a huge part in helping me push harder and achieve things that I couldn’t have done on my own.  I guess that’s a big reason why I wanted to Q this morning and be out there with you guys.  My gratitude is hard to properly express in words, but thank you so much to all of you for helping me be a better man everyday.
  • Thank you Swing State for the opportunity to lead.  Looking forward to seeing you all out in the gloom soon.  If you are not running Basin Run Relay this weekend, come out and support your brethren!
