Blackjack 21 at The Wilderness

Not listed above:  Spinnaker

Warmorama at the tree:  Mall Walk around the tree, 21 SSHs, 21 ESTs, 21 Mtn Climbers, 21 arm circles every which way, 21 toe touches (or ankle touches – maybe even a few knee touches)

At the playground:

21 step Ups
21 dips

21 jump squats
21 Merkins 

21 Helping Hands (5 each hand plus 1)
21 side planks (10 and 11)
21 Burpees

21 second count
21 pull-ups 

Mosey to tennis fence (21 second mall walk)

Stop in the parking lot for 21 line jumps

21 partner squats

21 calf raises each foot

21 LBCs

21 secs balls to the wall (fence)


Rock Pile:

21 low curls
21 high curls

21 full curls
21 skull crushers

21 shoulder presses 

21 rows

21 dead lifts 

MWAR (Mary With A Rope):  Pax takes turns calling Mary while each man takes turns on the rope.

Blackjack Moleskin:

Sorry for the delay in getting the BB posted – crazy day in Home Improvement helping stores and customers prepare for this Matthew character bearing down on FL/GA/SC.

Suffering from shin splints, so YHC was actually delighted to see no one had signed up on the website to Q.  Non running workout was in order!

Quite humerous when 66 showed up with his ruck during MWAR.  He triggered the lights to come on during "Pillow Talk".

Pax, chime in – I believe there were some sketchy occurances and contact during AND after partner prison squats at the fence…