Blackjack (Day 2 of #WOTF at Gladiator)

Event Date

Jul 19, 2016

8 men fought the fartsack and the heat to enter the colliseum of St Mark for Gladiator.  Instead of a duel with swords, it was a duel of blackjack.  No one brought cards, so YHC improvised…  In the end, all 8 men won the game, and here's how it played out…

WD = Hacksaw (RESPECT)   WB = Hallelujah (Hate, Hate, Hate)


Joggy jog a little, stop around fountain for SSHs, ISTs, Cotton Pickers, Shoulder circles


Anyone opposed to gambling (especially at this AO)? We're going to play blackjack!  21 exercises using the counter of 21 (either 21 reps of each or 21 seconds of that exercise).  The PAX is going to have to work hard and move fast to get through this game…

21 step Ups
21 dips
21 secs balls to the wall
21 secs of running (toward the corner cones)
21 squats
21 side planks (10 left elbow, 11 right elbow)
21 seconds of weaving (running through the cones)
21 seconds of walking (toward pull-up bars corner)  Hope the pax enjoyed that rest… because:
21 Burpees (ouch)
21 calf raises both feet at a time (that burned more than YHC expected)
21 pull-ups
Grab a cinder block
21 low curls
21 LBCs
21 high curls
21 line jumps (slalom skiing)
21 full curls
21 Merkins
21 skull crushers
21 secs of power skips (toward the white SUV suspiciously parked by the light pole)
21 Freddy Mercuries
21 jump squats


Hopefully by the end of this week most pax in the general area will know what this is w/o explanation.  Semi circle of men around the pole, one man on the rope that has been wrapped once around the pole.  1st man on the right calls the exercise and cadence while the man on the rope works the rope/shoulders.  Man on the rope takes the next exercise as we go around the circle until all the pax has called an exercise and all the pax has worked the rope.


When YHC came up with the workout last night, I really didn't know that we would be able to finish it.  Not only did we finish, we had 7 minutes left for Mary, so I pulled the rope out of the truck.  We went around the semi-circle for MWAR and finished at 6:16 per my watch, but pretty sure we started at 5:31.  Impressive work, men.  Really impressive.

When I asked if anyone was opposed to gambling, Travolta quickly offered up the theory that the Catholics first introduced gambling.  I have no idea if that's true (I'm Methodist), but sounded convenient enough so we went with it!

T-Claps to Hallelujah.  When it was his turn to call the exercise and cadence, he did it like he's been Q'ing for a year.  He also has the best form doing Merkins than I've seen for a kid his age (13?).  Seriously – nice.  And that will pay off.  Amen – get him to Q School and sign him up to co-Q!

T-Claps to the pax for getting through those 21 burpees for the 9th exercise out of 21.  They would've been harder later in the workout, or the rest of the workout would have been harder if they'd been earlier in the workout.  Is there ever really a good time for 21 burpees?  I think not.

Today was my first post at Gladiator.  What a great location!  I didn't use half the property, nor all the props available.  I expect numbers will grow at this AO.  Oh, and I guess this was also my first Q at this AO…

Thanks for the opportunity to share my 3rd anniversary week with you fine men.  Thanks for pushing hard so we could all finish.  Thanks to Jolly Roger for the inspiration from his #WOTP last week so that I might have the courage and strength to try the Work Week of The Force (M-F vs his Sun-Sat).  And as always – thanks to Black Eye Pea for introducing me to F3 at The Wilderness 3 years and a day ago.