Blame Dingo for this workout

FNG-1 = recently named 'Delta'.

Early into this workout Wednesday Q'd by Dingo at The Mighty Oak, YHC knew I'd be stealing it for today.  Here is roughly what went down today at the General.

0500:  Run Standard with Auto, Dingo, and YHC.  Auto and Dingo ran a solid 3 miles, YHC turned back a little earlier.  Auto would continue running at 0530.

0530:  Auto keeps running.  Moses and Lone Star for a nice stretch type workout.  Everyone else:


  • A roughly 1/3 mile to and back tour of the stations written in chalk.  We traversed the parking lot, down the hill, and started up the hill slightly after the big wall.  We included some high knees, butt kickers, and Karaoke.
  • Circle up, disclaimer given.  Including:  Blame Dingo if you hate today's workout!
  • Slow deep squats x 5 IC, with instructions to hold the same nice form on all such squats today
  • Mericans x 5 IC, with similar instructions
  • 1 Burpee demonstrated

The "Prime Time" copycat Dingo thing:

  • Burpees
  • Slow deep squats
  • Mericans
  • WWII situps
  • Burpees

With running in between each station.  After the second set of Burpees, run all the way back.

Reps were Prime Numbers:

  • Round 1:  17
  • Round 2:  13
  • Round 3:  11
  • Round 4:  7
  • Round 5:  5
  • Round 6:  3, then 2 on the way back as we were short on time

No time for Mary, Cobains.

Recover, recover.  Distance was ~2.72 miles according to Strava, give or take.


  1. Jersey Boy and Omega were crushing it!  Let the record show they completed an extra lap.
  2. Kleanup and Roadie were also leading the way today.  Strong work.
  3. Someone kept saying "We hate you Dingo!" but YHC didn't catch who that was.  Sound off below please!
  4. Did not realize The General crew and The Mighty Oak crew had such overlap.  Whoops.  By my count, Dingo, Big Rock, Dry Rub, Eeyore, Delta, Roadie, Tiramisu, and Tuffy all joined YHC for Dingo's horrible workout twice in 3 days.  Strong work gents.
  5. By my count, that is 2 Generals in a row for Mr. Jazzhands so he is no longer a Kotter.  He's back!  He promised more mumblechatter as he "gets back into shape", but to YHC he looked strong out there already.
  6. Rumor has it Waffle House is still hurting from being stood up for coffee by Jersey Boy earlier this week
  7. T-Claps to Mayhem for collecting items for the Charlotte Rescue Mission.  #HIM.  There will be opportunities to donate next week if you can.
  8. Moses led a nice stretch type workout with Lone Star.  Some wondered if they could switch to that mid-workout.  In fact YHC asked if it would be weird if the Q did that, probably around the second set.  After the workout, Moses and Swing State (and possibly others) would discuss 10 year LKN anniversary happenings.  More details will be provided I'm sure as they emerge.  10 years, wow!  Our little region is double digits now.
  9. Auto with a solid 9 miles today.  Strong work bud.
  10. Quote from Dingo:  "This is how you lose friends and infuriate people" or something profound like that.  His workout featured pull-ups, but there isn't enough pull-up bars so we had to substitute with…another set of Burpees.  Blame Dingo!  But we did have the exercises written in chalk AND we skipped the "1" set since technically 1 is neither a prime nor a composite number.  So net net, sounds like Wednesday and Friday were about equal.  Thanks for the idea bud, and for quietly shouldering all the blame today.
  11. Thank you Samsonite for the opportunity to lead bud.  Hope to see you soon.