Blast Off at MMM

The word of the day, "Blast Off"…

From the beginning it was evident the PAX were going to chatter, mumble, and groan.  But, little did they know that we were counting down a blast off which would quiet, humble, moan.

We started out epic journey into space with this blast-o-rama (all in cadence):

50 SSH 

10 Cotton Pickers

Arm circles

10 Blast Off Mericans

Moving from the launching pad and into the atmosphere, the clowns were noisy but could not break the concentration on the face of Major Travolta as YHC stuck with the weinke:

25 KB Swings OYO

10 Blast Off Mericans In Cadence (IC)

1 Arm Row, Flap Jack x 12 IC

9 Blast Off Mericans IC

1 Arm KB Squat x 10 IC, Flap Jack

KB Curl x 15 IC

8 Blast Off Mericans IC

1 Arm KB Dead Lift x 10 IC, Flap Jack

1 Arm KB Leg Left x 10 OYO, Flap Jack

7 Blast Off Mericans IC

1 Arm KB Staggered Merican x 10 IC, Flap Jack

KB Tricep Pullover x 10 IC

6 Blas Off Mericans IC

1 Arm KB Clean & Press x 10 OYO, Flap Jack

KB Low Curl x 10 IC, KB High Curl x 10

5 Blast Off Mericans IC

KB Shoulder Press x 12 IC

KB Squat x 10 IC

4 Blast Off Mericans IC

KB Waiters Bow x 10 IC

Upright Row x 10 IC

3 Blast Off Mericans

20 KB Swings OYO IC

Seated 1 Arm Shoulder Press x 10 IC, Flap Jack

2 Blast Off Mericans IC

KB Mason Twist x 15 IC

KB Side Raise x 10 IC, Flap Jack

1 Blast Off Merican

Now that we have counted down and blasted off…it's tme to land this bad boy so we can visit our dear friend back on earth, MARY:

Low Flutter w/ KB x 25 IC

The W w/ KB x 15 IC

WW2 Situp w/ KB x 10

The don't let me hear the word "Blast Off" again moleskin:

1. The clowns from the clown car picked up (aka "tricked") another sad clown from The Hamptons into joining their merry band.  To ensure River Boat was entertained they came out of the gates hot, but seamed to simmer as our blast offs continued.

2. Note to all future Q's:  when bringing back a beatdown from a year ago and largely made up of You Tube videos you should go back and rewatch the videos again so you have a clue how to do the exercises.

3. Always a great start to the day to exercise mind, body, and spirit with a great group of men.

4. Thanks to Olive for the opportunity to lead!