27 men slithered out of bed to join me in the gloom. Dallas, Wingman, Burner, Calypso, Red October, Blackberry, Pierogi all joined YHC for TheStandard (which apparently is now a 2.4 mile tempo run.)

Cobains, Crock & Biscuit… you are not on the website.

25 SSH
20 IST

Evolution 1:
Line up on parking lines facing Hell's Ascent
20 KBS
Lunge walk back
20 Merkins
Bearcrawl to other side
20 KB GS
KB Lunge walk back
20 Skull crushers
REPEATO until time (8 Rounds)

  • 160 KBS
  • 160 Merkins
  • 160 KB GS
  • 160 Skull Crushers
  • 1 mile lunge walks (half w/KB)

MARY – no show


The men of F3 never cease to amaze me.  There were too many of you to name today in the moleskin.  You heard my story so don't let that guy you've been meaning to EH miss another day of F3.  He's waiting for you to push him, you just have to figure out how.

Thanks to TBC for tipping the EH scale.  Thanks to Bogey, C-Note, and Contra for starting the work on me.  Thank each of the men that posted F3 today.  Thank God for landing me in the middle of this crazy $%@!.

Ephesians 6:10-19
