Blender Remix – why Bogey why?

FNG = Ball Drop **Not FNG he isn't on website yet

After 4+ years of Bogey being the Master Q of The Blender which is the toughest workout in NoCo it was transitioned to me today. It wasn't really transitioned because he didn't show, work work work… and he will probably never read this since he had a hard time writing a backblast in the 4 years he Q'd #TheBlender. 

I have a lot of respect for Bogey, he delivered great workouts every week and rarely had other people Q the workout.  Thanks stud for the many many hard workouts!  When can you give me your clipboard?

3 men met the Standard this morning, 11 got stronger

Warmorama – none, it's a Blender tradition

The Thang

4 Corners (only 4)

 – Corner 1 20 KB Swings, 20 Squat to Press, 20 Merkins, Jog to next corner

 – Corner 2 19 KB Swings, 19 Squat to Press, 20 Merkins, Jog to next corner

 – Corner 3 18 KB Swings, 18 Squat to Press, 18 Merkins, Jog to next Corner

 – Corner 4 17 KB Swings, 17 Squat to Press, 17 Merkins, Plank

Hells Ascent

 – Partner up with someone with like KB weight

 – P1 Quadraphillia up/down the hill  (Friday got excited)

 – P2 KB Farmers Carry to yellow gate

 – Flapjack / Repeato

KB Indian Run to Pull-Up Forest

P1 – 10 Pull-Ups / 20 Dips

P2 – 15 KB Swings / 15 Merkins


Onto Field – Sprint to Fence

Derkins on Fence x 10 IC

Sprint back

P1 – 10 Pull-Ups / 20 Dips

P2 – 20 KB Swings / 20 Merkins

To the Field

Partner up and first partner to 30, audible 20 switch to other exercise

P1 – Burpees

P2 – KB Thrusters (Squat to over head press with both KBs)


Repeato but to 15 reps

Bear Crawl with Kettle Bell on field towards Church

Mary – Low Flutter x 15, Low Dolly x 10


1 – Thanks to Springy and Friday for allowing me to Master Q #TheBlender

2 – Thanks Calypso for supporting me, sad day not being able to get coffee at Charlie's after the workout.

3 – Is it really Jolly's badonkadonk that causes him to hate Kettle Bell swings

4 – Friday – Impressive 4 corners speed

5 – If anyone is reading this from GCC, we need some new light bulbs….

6 – not much mumblechatter today, where was Uncle Rico…..?  🙁

7 – Thanks Bagboy and Sauce, glad to see you are back together

8 – Minime – figured you would do the easier thing, testing to see how many people read backblasts

9 – Moses – you favorited the preblast, what happened?  It's a rule if you do that you have to post to the workout, unless you are Jenny, Calypso or Jolly.  Then it means you love me

10 – To the next Q at the blender, backblasts are optional

11 – Thank you men for 4 years, glad I found this group and all the many friends.

12 – Winnebago, Thanks for coming today!!  Use slack and not whatsapp to let us know you will be running early too