Blender things 1/31/17

Today, 13 men rolled out of the bed to lift each other and some KBs.  They were treated to some running and some KBs, but not running w/KBs, because that is dumb.  Here is their story:

0531 – YHC arrives

warmup lap around the church, and maybe grab a KB for those running behind

grab bells, head to field whilst zampariniiing

warm o rama: you know how it goes

Partner Up: (One partner does the exercises while the other goes around the bases until all exercies are complete)


    1. Farmers Carry around Bases

    2. 100 hands free merkins

  2. KB curls x 100

    Run the bases

  3. Zamparini around bases

    Mhaktar Ndayai x 100 

  4. KB swings x 100

    Run the bases

  5. Shrugs x 100
  6. run the bases

Zamparini to hill, 100 weighted squats while partner quadrifilia up the hill


Careful when you choose to Q the blender, one wrong step and the Master Q will get cranky.

Sorry I was late, without #thestandard this whole thing falls apart

  1. FNG-1 = Yorkie FNG-2 = Biscuit (Why are you not on the website????)

  2. there may or may not have been 14, I counted 13

strong showing by calypso, he was my partner and did the majority of the reps.  Didn't see the form but I expect it was perfect.

you can catch the rest on slack, gotta work.

But before I go, thanks to Dallas for resurecting GCC from the shambles of 4-5 guys and for Springy sticking around as an OG to support.  More than can be said for some unnamed former OGs.  Also, thanks to Black Eyed Pea for continuing his streak of not attending my Qs, it is impressive.  One of these days you will mess up and forget….but today is not that day.  However, he did invite me to join you men and for that I am eternally grateful.  Who will you share this gift with today?  Somebody is praying for it!
