Blind Squirrels and other Tales

Event Date

Nov 15, 2023

Welcomed back Iron Horse with his tales of blind, night target runs with partner Travolta!  No Q signed up so we split lead roles.  
Warm Up by Sparrow

TS, WM, CP, CH Sq, MC, SS, Calf Raises.

Main Event

Travolta led pax on a circuit around parking lot.  Lots of Burpees, HR Merkins, ‘Travolta Skip’, jabs, Lunge Walk, Step Ups and Dips.

Iron Horse led us through about 10 sets of various pull ups on Down-under bars until our arms fell off.  To the CBs where Sparrow led pax through: sets of curls, presses, SC, Rows, dead lift, Summo squats, Goblet Squats, American Swings.  Lunge walk to 20 yard line and return.  Block Merkins, Block Burpees.  Back to Launch Pad.


LBC, Pretzel Crunch, Low Flutters, Side leg raises


Travolta recited an example from Isaiah of sharing and relying on God for our needs.

Prayers for brothers and families who are going through tough times.