Blitzkrieg the Q

11 men and one K9 posted today.  The Q was met with MUCH MC.  The Q enabled this behavior with apparent poor communication, or maybe the PAX can't follow directions and the PAX poured it on the poor Q who was operating on little sleep with Benadryl still working.  The story goes like this…

The time was 22:21 on 6/6/2017 and YHC thought "Oh Snap, I've got the Q in the morning with nothing planned." Then with a pen and a pad YHC jotted down some exercises.  Awoken by his M at 0130 and couldn't go back to sleep 'til after 0330 the Q would have likely pulled a Kumquat, or maybe a JollyRoger.  It could also be called "pulling a Ziplock" but now that has 2 meanings.  Regardless, the Q arrives on time and sees at least schoolbus with his rucksack on and just a gettin' it.

9 men were present for the start.  And what else can we start off with other than SSH with a weinke written at the last minute?  We don't do anything different, we do SSH

15 IC Windmills
5 IC Pseudo Planché 'Mericans

Here is where everything goes downhill…

1/2 mile suicides with 'mericans at each [set of] medians.  Form 2 lines then begin in the parking lot nearest the tennis courts first 2 run to the first set of medians (do 10 'mericans) when that PAX drops for 'mericans the next awaiting pax (in plank) starts his run…and so on and so on.  When you get back to the beginning do 10 'mericans, then do the same at the 2nd and 3rd set of medians.  In the end you just ran a 1/2 mile suicide and 60 'mericans.  Apparently the Q did a horrible job explaining this, or should have gone first instead of 2nd, because there was mass confusion amongst the PAX.

Next we attempt the 9 Minute Challenge.  This is designed for us to fail.  And again another Q fail.  The idea is you set a HIIT (High Intensity Interval Timer) for 9 minutes.  Then starting from the beginning you do 3 burpees, then 3 burpees every minute – on the minute, and in between you try to get 100 CHEST-TO-GROUND 'mericans, and 100 legs crossed sit-ups.  Again the PAX failed to complete correctly.  Q takes the blame for not demonstrating the legs crossed sit-up (it's indian style or criss-cross applesauce if you are a snowflake).  If you time it right, you do approximately 11-12 of each ('merican and sit-up) during each minute.  Q's timer accidently paused 6 seconds into the challenge.  This caused the PAX to really pour it on the poor old Q.  Attacks were coming from every direction.

Next we run down to the pull-up bar and complete 2 rounds of 10 pull-ups with PAX performing squats while waiting.  Several PAX were doing Snoop Squats (That's a 420 Squat, and NOT 420 lbs).

Next we ran over for BTTW.  Q noticed over recent BTTW attempts that pretty much nobody's B were TTW.  Still some PAX didn't seem to trust themselves, or maybe they don't have any B's?  Maybe their M's have them hanging on the key rack beside the door and refuse to give them back.

Next we grab a rock that makes momma proud.
6 IC Crouching Curls (these hurt)
6 IC Full Curl
6 IC High Curl
6 IC Low Curl
6 IC Shoulder Raise (Arms locked, raise rock directly in front)
10 IC Shoulder press

Run back for Mary-go-round
Closer – Low Flutter (Abrams style)
Ziplock – Low Dolly
Clubber – LBC
Tinker – WWI
C# – Dr. W
Spork – FM
SchoolBus – WWI
Dandelion – 15 minutes of American Hammer
DoubleCheck – Peter Parkers
Tipper – LBC
Clark – THE Sit-up

Matthew 22:37-38
And he said unto him, thou shalt love the Lord thy God with ALL thy heart, and with ALL thy soul, and with ALL thy mind. This is the great and first commandment.


  • Lambeau was there to provide the sloppy wet kisses, but at least schoolbus didn't get doggy teabagged this time.
  • Clubber, SchoolBus, Closer's incognating was on fleek today