BLMFers are Universally Loved and Appreciated

Event Date

Oct 25, 2022


The gloom was particulary gloomy to start – the stars weren't shining, but that would change.  

Most of us – started at 5:30, but Jersey Boy had to spend time w/ his indoor plumbing cleaning out his really indoor plumbing, but made up for it with strong and fast running once he appeared out of the gloom.  



Windmill X10

Toy Solidiers X12 

Mosey a bit 

Long Snapper X 12 

Mosey a bit 

Praying Mantis X 15 

Mosey to picknic tables 

IRKINs X 10 

Dips X 12 

Mosey to rock pile – grab your favorite coupon 

10/20 20/20 30/10 with moseys in between sets – Jersey emerged near the start of this so he could enjoy the full rock experience 

Curls, Skull Crushers, Bent Over Rows  w/ coupons 

Squats, LBC's, WWII's  

At this point had one plan, but the crowd insisted on BLMF'ers – which of course I happy to oblige being the benevolent Q that I am – so to the flat and 15 each side with a minor interruption for the car coming in to check on whatever they check on at 6AM at North Meck Park 

Mosey up the hill – with stops for regular merkins X10 IC, then mosey more and do Big Girl Merkins X 10 IC, mosey a bit and do 30 LBC's OYO, mosey to launch and arrive at almost exactly 6:15 

Star lesson for the day was the source of the Oneid metor shower that happened last week – remnants of Hailey's Comet 

Jersey Boy's 6th anniversary Q on Thursday at Fission – his b'day Q maybe Saturday 

Prayers for one of Hippie's friends who made a major mistake 

Prayers for Waffle House's M as she ventures to Utah for a 1/2 Ironman – glad she doesn't do F3 🙂 

YHC – Canuck