Block and forth

Thank you Roadie for Master Qing this AO.  Thank you Bunyan for the closing prayer.

Rapid Fire warm up: SSHx10, Mtn Climbers x10, Monkey Humpers x10, Merkins x10.  Repeato!

Grab a block

WIB as follows.

2nd hoop from end: 5 curls, 5Squats, 5 Block Merkins – Run to first hoop and back.  Zamporini your block to the 3rd hoop and repeat with 10 reps for all. Run to 1st hoop and back.  Zamporini your block to 4 the hoop.  Repeato with 15 reps. Run to first hoop and back.  work your way back to the 3rd hoop, then 2nd hoop repeating the process.


Perform this pattern a 2nd time with:  OH presses, block jump overs, Decline Merkins

3rd time :  Skull Crushers, Squats, Bend over rows.

Return blocks and mosey for cover for Mary

Homer to Marge with low flutter, low dolley medley

Jane Fonda's, Plank, then into Jaylo's. Glute Bridge – performed in front of school maintenance worker…who likely quit after those poor job conditions. Mosey'd back to start for COT.


Kosar – you crushed it today.  Great to see Grape Ape as we hadn't seen each other since last year's BRR.  

We had some good discussion about what we are doing with Hoffa.  Travolta has some great ideas, insight and inspiration.  Despite the drizzle, the day starts better with F3- EVERY TIME.