Block and Talk

Event Date

Oct 21, 2019


We started things early as usual, Gnarly Goat was a beast and showed after chasing brown liquor all weekend; even had Eeyore parked by 4:45:01 and we moseyed to where everyone likes to warm up, a slanted parking lot infront of Chiplote.  We warmed up with the usual suspects of side straddle, baby carrot pulls, windmills, arm circles, mountain climbers and the favorite mobility minute with the pigeon.  We then got our blocks, this was the most difficult part the workout considering the smell where the blocks our kept.  Who would think that old dumpster Chipolte and bundt cakes could smell so bad.

We did bock work, low curl, high curl, skull crusher, squats, full curl, bent over row.  We put down the blocks and headed to  the Joseph A Banks sale where we saw fairies unloading Kirklands goodies (have to be there to understand), ran back and repeated the block work.  We then partnered and did AMRAP Merkins, Squats, Carolina DDs, and WWII situps alternating between an exercise and a painful farmers carry.  We then did one more partner run to Banks and back while the other did merkins and dips on the blocks then switched.  After that it was time to put our blocks back and head home. 

After grabbing our coffee we read through Daniel 6 and learned of his dream interpritations and his time in the Lion's den.  Amazing example of Daniel knowing before the test what he believed in and committed to not compromising and God saw him throug the test and rewareded him on the other side while also having him serve as a living testimony to others.  We discussed knowing where our own lines in the sand are and what to do when we get to the line as well as how to avoid getting close to the line.  Great group today as always.
