Block, Bar, & Beyond

Event Date

Mar 27, 2017


Additional Pax – No Fry, Buster, and 2 FNGs: Vinnie Candelore & Ted Davis


50 Blockies total = fun… sorta

Mud & No Light also makes things fun when going to retrieve the blocks.  Need to remember to bring a headlamp next time.


I heard someone say they would have opted to be crushed by cinder block with the bed of nails over the blockies…


I was doing good with the count until I got to the last set of the block squats with shoulder press.  Must have spaced out trying to catch my breath!



Warm Up

Mosey to Pull up Bars

Side Shuttle Hop – x15

Imperial Stormtrooper – x10

Cotton Pickers – x10

Mosey to get cinder blocks and bring back to lot


Main Routine

Ladder set from 1 to 5 of the exercises below. In between each ladder set, run to pull up bar and do 10 pull ups and back to block. Block plank with variation while waiting for everyone to finish set before starting next set.

10 Blockies

10 Mericans on Block in Cadence

15 Block Swings

10 Block Squats with Overhead Press in Cadence

10 Curls in Cadence


Bring blocks back and mosey back to lot for abs



Low Flutter x 10

Mason Twists x10

LBCs x10

Touch dem Heels x10

Crunchy Frog x10

WW2 Sit Up x 10


Recover Recover